About US

Axiom Asset Acceleration inc. is a company dedicated to accelerating asset management by utilizing innovative financial technology. Its main business areas include algorithmic trading, AI-based asset management, digital asset trading, and wealth management. The company offers cutting-edge financial technology and sophisticated investment strategies to individual and institutional investors. Axiom Asset Acceleration also strives to achieve higher returns by streamlining clients' asset management processes and optimizing risk management.

Business License

  • Company:Axiom Asset Acceleration inc
  • Date:20 Dec 2020
  • License:AVISO
  • Category:Finance & Corporate Service

Finance Technology

"Algorithmic Trading": Develops and provides proprietary algorithms for fast and accurate trading.

"AI Asset Management": Utilizes machine learning and artificial intelligence for market analysis and portfolio optimization, enhancing asset management efficiency.

"Digital Asset Trading": Offers a trading platform for cryptocurrencies and digital currencies, enabling a secure and fast trading environment.

"Wealth Management": Formulates asset management strategies tailored to individual investment goals, supporting asset growth.


Axiom Asset Acceleration is committed to elevating clients' asset management to the next level by combining innovative technology and exceptional expertise. Prioritizing customer trust, the company aims to achieve sustainable and long-term investment results.